
Endpoints for creating, reading, and deleting inboxes.

List inboxes

This endpoint allows you to list your inboxes.

GET /inboxes?account_id=<string>


Name Type Description
page integer A pagination cursor for entries after a specific point in the collection.


200 OK

When successful, returns a Paginated list of Inbox resources.

  "entries": [
    // items
  "metadata": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "per_page": 10,
    "total_entries": 1,
    "total_pages": 1

Get inbox

This endpoint allows you to fetch a single webhook.

GET /inboxes/:inbox_id?account_id=<string>


200 OK

When successful, returns an Inbox resource.

  "id": "inbox_bXz0jn6pWOrbQu0O4g2Rlw85",
  // ...

404 Not Found

If the resource does not exist or is not accessible, it returns a not found response.

Create inbox

This endpoint allows you to create a new inbox.

POST /inboxes?account_id=<string>


Name Type Description
inbox[name] string The name of the inbox alias, aka local part of the email to create.
inbox[periodicity] string How often the digest should be delivered. Either daily, weekly, or monthly.
inbox[digest_format] string The digest email format. Either  full or summary.
inbox[description] string The inbox description.
inbox[domain_id] string The ID of the custom domain to use.
inbox[username_id] string The ID of the username to use.
inbox[bypass_first_message] boolean Select whether or not to deliver the first inbound email to recipients instantly.
inbox[paused] boolean Pause the digest.
inbox[additional_recipients] string A comma-separated string of email addresses.
inbox[signature] string A signature to append to outbound emails from this inbox alias.
inbox[selected_recipient_ids] array An array of team member IDs to assign as recipients.


200 OK

When successful, returns the Inbox resource.

  "id": "inbox_bXz0jn6pWOrbQu0O4g2Rlw85",
  // ...

422 Unprocessible Entity

If the URL provided is not valid, it returns validation errors.

  "errors": {
    "name": [{
      "message": "must contain no spaces"

Delete inbox

This endpoint allows you to delete an inbox.

DELETE /inboxes/:inbox_id?account_id=<string>


200 OK